Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day one

Chief Spending Officer home early today, carrying a large cardboard box. Box was, thankfully, plain. The horror of it being from Asda and branded like it is not a pleasant thought.

Apparently CSO was presented with this box this morning, and asked to fill everything from his office into it. Then two large gentlemen from Security and 'some skinny bitch from HR' followed him out of the building. Why this would be is a mystery.

He tried to explain, but I was just out to the gym so asked him to BBM me the story so I could read it on the cross-trainer. Message arrived and said "It's all your fault you vapid numbskull". Must have been sent in error.

I come back and he's £300 through one of his £900 single malts.

"Issss the end of everything!" he shouts. At my estimate of his rate of consumption it's the end of that bottle in about 20 minutes. Anyway, why's he waving the bottle at me? The bottle! It makes me wonder why we invested in a Waterford crystal decanter for each malt if he's not going to use them.

Perhaps he'll explain what happened this morning later on, I muse on the way to pick up a super-skinny frothy frappe at the coffee shop around the corner. I know it's £10 for a cup of cold milk froth, but it's *good* cold milk froth, and that's what counts.

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